‘I have learned far more from you
than you will ever have learned from me.’



Gratitude for Emahó

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Emahó – His work and Legacy



Gratitude for Emahó

  • Elsbeth Mathys
    I have followed Emahó for 33 years, and now it is time to go through life on my own two feet. During those years, I have learned so much that I am now very grateful to want to follow myself.
    Elsbeth Mathys
  • Fotoula Adrimi
    I am so grateful to have known Emahó and to have taken part in so many of the Fire dance / invocation ceremonies.
    Fotoula Adrimi
  • Marie Luce
    Thank you so much from my heart for your precious loving help and kind presence when I most needed it. Thank you for your teachings, Emahó. You helped and sustained me to go through hard times. You helped me open my eyes and my heart (and shut my mouth sometimes!). Emahó … thank you for putting your hand in the fire for each one of us who danced with you and for settling us in such a beautiful altar for every dance. Always in my heart. One Love to you and to all the people who danced with you all these years.
    Marie Luce
  • Helen Quail
    Through you I have known love and fire and transformation that changed everything. Everything. Tears that could create a sea. Beauty that breaks everything open to Life. Words will never touch the preciousness. This heart knows. This eternal soul knows. This I will carry on into the dance of eternity.
    Helen Quail
  • Helen Quail
    Beloved Emahó, Truly there are no words. I bow. In the deepest gratitude for journeying 15 years this life and infinitely in the timeless. There can never be words for the magnitude of what you have brought. My children and I are blessed beyond imagining meeting you, to experience the dance, and to walk for a moment. It has changed this life profoundly. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Love eternally
    Helen Quail
  • Annette Moltzen
    So thankful for your being in the world Emahó, I am so thankful.
    Annette Moltzen
  • Claudia F Meier
    Every time I met you, time stood still. There was nothing but space – always is. Love you forever, see you in my heart and all around.
    Claudia F Meier
  • Marie Elia
    Emahó… Love circulates, radiates, and grows. You are so present, in the vastness of our hearts. Thank you, thank you for all. 
    Marie Elia
  • Beate Baumfalk
    I am so deeply grateful that Emahó and I met. I felt that this is where my deep longing lies. Emahó …. your words, your ceremonies, your gaze – have left me with a great joy and a silent vastness. Thank you for the fire, thank you for the dance, thank you for your devotion. With love
    Beate Baumfalk
  • Eva Luz
    Before Emahó’s lectures began, his beautiful music played, while he found our eyes, and in that moment, I felt my weight, my existence, my full presence – like never before – so strongly, that every time I immediately began to cry. An incredible love and peace emanated from him that sustained me. Later, preparing for the invocations / fire dance, he often entertained us funny – despite his deeply touching devotion. During the fire dance, I was always amazed at how he took me right when I had internally decided to go. It was completely quiet at the altar – even though it looked so wild from the outside. Love,
    Eva Luz
  • Ulrike Einspieler
    Once, on returning home from a fire dance workshop, both my body and mind were trying hard to understand what had happened. I finally understood after I had put down the following words on paper. The poem expresses what I felt; the sprouting seeds of longing, light, birth, growth and an expansion of love that embraced my heart and my mind. Sternensamen pflanzt die Sehnsucht in das Meer aus schwarzen Tränen. Lautlos sprühen Funkenfächer und das Licht gebiert den Keim. Zarter, grüner Stängel zittert hoch in meinem Innern, tastet weiter, dehnt sich aus, faltet sich zur weißen Blüte, geht im Herzen drinnen auf. Und das grüne Band drängt weiter, greift mit Blättern, steigt und rankt, formt aus Liebe eine zweite Blüte und umarmt mir den Verstand.
    Ulrike Einspieler
  • Rebecca Green
    Emahó managed to put into Western culture ‘street talk’ that which would ordinarily only be communicated in Sanskrit. What he has done, is unprecedented. He opened a door for people such as me (Westerners with no religious beliefs) to access ancient beauty and wisdom, something urgently needed in our culture at this challenging time. I would encourage anyone with questions about society, culture, family, work, mental health, the stuff of our everyday lives, as well as the bigger questions around the nature of mind, spirit, and the phenomenon of life itself, to listen to Emaho’s words.
    Rebecca Green
  • Jeroen Selier
    So grateful to have met and known you Emahó. Grateful for what you showed us and teach us. A Teacher of life…. A Teacher of the heart… Thankful that I was so fortunate to witness all that.
    Jeroen Selier
  • Phil Mangan
    I see and touch Life in a totally different way from the time I met Emahó first in the late 90’s. I will be forever grateful that my twins and my son experienced deep Healings from him in the Fire dance / invocations. We are privileged to have walked the journey since we met with him…. diving into the depths of Humanity in the most Beautiful Profound Way and coming out Transformed.
    Phil Mangan
  • Michael-Charitro
    Although I could not participate in many seminars with Emahó, yet I hear his voice echoing in my ears … life loves life, and we are life…! Life gives us so many gifts and Emahó is one of the greatest presents I got. So, I bow down to the gas station attendant with the premium fuel, I bow down to the fire dance, the whole ceremony and to the beautiful sangha Emahó created. Thank You Emahó for reminding me what matters! Love
  • Anne Williams
    I first heard about Emahó from a friend who said I ought to see him. Intrigued, I went the following Saturday for a workshop in London. Listening to Emahó speak was like a small bell ringing in my body and I thought – here is someone who knows what I know but have never consciously put into words! He woke me up! The next day I went to hear more but was confronted by a wild fire dance which fascinated me but also raised my anxiety levels to a record high. The rest is history. I cherish great memories of unusual ‘Emahó moments.’ Above all, I remember how he patiently listened to me when my son had a serious accident in California, and I needed to talk. Thank you, Emahó, you changed me and my life!
    Anne Williams
  • Lilien
    Emahó … through you I touched a vast aliveness, one which before I had never considered to be. You showed me to look through Life’s Eyes, you changed the course of my sight, and where to look. You showed me the night sky, the moon, the twinkling stars… all the mothers of the sky. You opened my door to feel loved by Life and to love my precious life. All this and far more, what is beyond words… will always reside in my heart. Thank you. I love you.
  • Ursula Jäth
    I cannot find adequate words to express what I received from Emahó during the workshops and the fire dance blessings. I learned so much that has enriched my life. Thank you very much from the bottom of my heart.
    Ursula Jäth
  • Thor Sigstedt
    My friend, Emahó lectured and initiated unique fire ceremonies, ‘baptising’ people with fire and hot wax on our foreheads. He went all over Europe for decades and died while leading a sweat lodge last year. I met Emahó in the late 80s in his beautiful adobe home in Santa Fe, New Mexico. When I arrived at his door, he immediately grasped my hands while staring right into me with his big loving eyes. Love permeated the air and I felt the care and affection instantly. Reserved, kind and thoughtful, he used a few simple words to convey important information. He said, ‘I want you to follow your own ideas, use your craft to create and I will pay what you ask.’ I made and fixed many aspects of his home, including a huge drum stand, shelves for special purposes, bronze cast artwork, and remodelling works. We gifted and traded naturally made large ‘sticks’ that I collected over the years. Interestingly, I only learned of his ideas as a teacher a few years before his passing. I witnessed his ceremony with fire and then attended the ‘Dying Alive’ workshop, other gatherings in the last years, and a sweat lodge ceremony. Soon, I became a ‘subscriber’ and have been a follower of his ‘Service Station Attendant’ activities. Now, I listen to his words daily, finding treasures of thought on life that, to me, have great interest and value, both to console and inspire. Often I tune in to just listen to his entrancing voice. His thoughts, like mine, are that we do not ‘throw’ things away, especially people, as we are doing all over the world right now. I recommend one and all to dive into Emaho’s thought processes by listening to his words. Thank you, Emahó!
    Thor Sigstedt
  • Eva Maria Forst, Berlin
    A friend took me to my first experience with Emahó in 2003. At my first fire dance, I was touched by Emahó, something shifted: a precious moment as I landed in the presence and in freedom. Five years later, prior to meeting him in 2008, I prayed to the Creator, asking for help to overcome the constant pain of my broken marriage. Later that day, Emahó not only touched my forehead, but also gave me a strong slap on my back. In that moment a spontaneous shift happened: the possessive thoughts about my partner vanished, and peace came into my heart while I accepted the ending of my marriage. I was free.
    Eva Maria Forst, Berlin
  • Jean-Daniel Duc
    Emahó, thank you from the deepness of my heart for all those years of teachings, dancing, laughter, and great simplicity. You sowed seeds in my heart, Love and gratitude 
    Jean-Daniel Duc
  • Céline Bünder
    I had the honour to meet Emahó once in my life, during a seminar in Switzerland. But I can honestly say that NO OTHER had the influence on my mindset as he had. Thank you!
    Céline Bünder
  • Jonathan Dunkan
    Emahó radiated (a) strong presence; when I heard him speak, it directly touched my heart. For the first time I felt seen, he saw me beyond my own knowledge. After each dance, after each seminar, something changed. 
    Jonathan Dunkan
  • Liz Martin
    I met you 33 years ago, never knowing how much you would profoundly affect my life. From the beginning you have shown us so much of what life is, how precious it is and that we are loved. Thank you so much for sharing your journey with us. You are in my heart always. Thank you Emahó.
    Liz Martin
  • Dr Med. Nicole Saak
    Emahó, I am grateful beyond words for the long time you spent kneeling next to me in front of the altar for a personal teaching. In your eyes I found myself somewhere beyond our place and time, immersed in a love beyond comprehension. Your gaze cut right through every layer of my conditioning and hurt, setting my heart on fire literally. You taught me to love myself deeply and since then I can see beauty and love in every person, even those who don’t wish me well. You truly created a tribe of people who pass your fire on. 
    Dr Med. Nicole Saak
  • Else Woods
    EMAHÓ, Your seminars were my SANCTUARY, my sanity, a home coming. You brought the jungle to concrete and asphalt, ignited the spark of FIRE in hearts and feet. And a wildness, a lightness, a beauty, DANCING EARTH. You opened me up to depths inside, I didn’t know existed. Held a space where i could cry from belly and bones. And touch glimpses of BEAUTY. You gave your ALL, your effort and understanding, your beauty, your heart, your LOVE, your years and literally your LIFE. How can I ever thank you fully? WARRIOR OF THE HEART, ANCIENT ONE, WHERE ARE YOU?
    Else Woods
  • Sabine, Berlin.
    It was an intense traveling on this planet with Emahó, to look behind the curtain, something normally closed by the conditioning of our societies. He taught me to open a door and look into the greater perspective. For a few moments, for me, Emahó also opened the connection to the cosmos, to the greater unknown. In the fire dance I felt a connection to the great spirit and to a deeper cosmos in myself. There was peace, no thoughts, worries and neuroses. Even in the teachings he could lead me into this silence, where the heart embraces the mind, and a greater understanding was there.  Emahó’s support for my family was immense, he gave us a lot of understanding and help. I am grateful for all the support, love and understanding from Emahó. He helped me to find love for myself. 
    Sabine, Berlin.
  • Jessica Klein
    My friend Rebecca dragged me to a fire dance in Freiburg about 24 years ago. I was in bad shape, health-wise, due to a separation and major existential concerns. The memory of the first encounter with Emahó is unforgettable and his first words to me were, ‘open the door.’ Interestingly, his last words to me at the workshop in Basel 2023, were, ‘see you.’ Each time his look left an indelible mark … an impression deep in my heart. Emahó accompanied me through mountains and valleys. My gratitude is endless. With love,
    Jessica Klein
  • Hedvika Vavřínová
    Emahó, dear Emahó. You just left and even that leaving is an adventure, I feel that one of the closest souls to mine has just left. Thank you for all, especially for all the fire dances and your pure kindness!!! 
    Hedvika Vavřínová
  • Rosanna Stancampiano
    I was drawn to attend a gathering for the first time, about twenty years ago. I did not know why. At the gathering and the dance, you said things to me about recent events I had experienced and there was no way you could ever have known of these events. You stood in front of me and said ‘See, the white eagle is here’. Only you and I knew the significance of that moment for me, and we both felt the energy of the white eagle. So sad to hear you have gone. Nothing can ever match the Fire Dance. Such a profound experience. I treasure copies of your books that are so profound, and I still treasure my copy of the book Sara Wilbourne wrote. ‘This Shaking Keeps Me Steady’.
    Rosanna Stancampiano
  • Sapphire Sanipriya Corrigan
    Honestly, I am lucky to meet you Emahó. My mum was pregnant with me when I met you and I feel different and special. You are always a part of the fire in my heart. Thanks so much for my life, my spirit uncle Emahó. You help and visit and are there for me for everything in life. Although we travel together different ways, but I know your spirit is always around me. I remember lighting the candle and I got red roses as well, see you again at some point in a different life. Hugs and love to you my spirit special Uncle,
    Sapphire Sanipriya Corrigan
  • Shirley Billes
    Thank you Emahó for the sacred spaces you held, allowing me time to reflect about the death of my dear Mum before and after her passing. Thank you for the idea of gathering a bunch of roses in our hearts as we journey through life which prompted me to encourage friends to send rose cards and letters to mum, expressing what she meant to them before she passed. So many arrived and that meant so much to her. Thank you for your faithful service. 
    Shirley Billes
  • Annie Miller
    Emahó spoke with a rare clarity and immense purpose, often striking one’s core with the arrow of his words. He was blessed with the ‘gift of the word,’ wherein spoken words carry a resounding frequency. This precious gift of Emahó’s words lives on forever, for us to listen, absorb and contemplate upon. Thank you Emahó for also sharing with us the necessary tools to wake up, to unlearn what one is taught and to learn again. You are the best gas station attendant with a big heart, extra cleaning services and so many more freebies including good laughs, good directions and a good map to take away. And so for anyone seeking clarity and a deeper understanding of the world and beyond, this site is a valuable source to access a rare wisdom … an insight that Emahó so generously gave for the present and all of our futures. Thank you for all the care … Emahó With immense gratitude and much respect,
    Annie Miller
  • Amanda Williams
    How grateful I have felt. How much warmer, deeper, softer, and richer I have felt. How fortunate and awed I have felt to have danced in many fire dances with you. You have been such a valuable influence in my life since I met you so many years ago. I am sad not to see you again. My mother also has just left planet Earth and you have both helped me to be a much better person to myself and to others. From my Heart, a grateful thank you many times… Emahó,
    Amanda Williams
  • Champalaune Christophe
    1991, met you first time in Paris, Fire in my soul, my spine,  Shocked, where was the Buddhist? You blew my mind.  Wouah, happy, Your offerings were dense,  My Tcheu practice was sunny and intense, Your gift: two retreats in Leysin, Sweat Lodge with great native friends, Lama Tharchin, great empowerment. And You… Emahó, you blessed my 2 sons at the last seminar in Freiburg, 2023. Useless are words,  You Changed my world Emahó, As a tcheupa, thanks to the wanderer, Thanks to all the people of mother earth.
    Champalaune Christophe
  • Veronika R
    Dear Emahó … Especially as I am looking at pictures from Fire dances I have been in, I am touched deeply, I feel so thankful for all You have done for us. It is overwhelming to know that You have always given everything and more. What a teacher! I am grateful from my whole being for Your immense help. For more than 30 years I have been able to follow many of Your Seminars, and I wonder how all that has been possible. With much love
    Veronika R
  • Adele Hepfer
    I wanted to write a few words about meeting Emahó and found I couldn’t get past the second word. Emahó is. He still is, he is still alive for each one of us. He is the most humble, honest, and respectful person I have ever met. He has taught us, over so many years, to be spiritually independent. Now that he is no longer physically here, I must rely on all I have learned from him. So, I carry on talking to him and listening to the questions he would have asked me while trying to work out what would be the best thing to do. Emahó enriched my life beyond words. With love,
    Adele Hepfer
  • Cath Norris
    I attended several of Emaho’s seminars in the 90’s and for many years felt his protective presence around me. Such a blessing!
    Cath Norris
  • Anne Gallot
    I met Emahó in Paris in 1992. He gave so much during those 30 years; a large family with sons, ex-husband, brothers, sisters, and friends. He gave me a path to walk on. He gave me faith and self-confidence, but above all he gave me true LOVE, so much true LOVE. It was Love to come to Europe, to dance the fire dance over and again and again- a huge true LOVE. Emahó was true love and shows it. So thank you for all this True LOVE, I wish I could give too.
    Anne Gallot
  • Karen Cromwell
    Meeting Emahó changed my life. He taught me how to see differently, through the eyes of my heart. That teaching will continue until I take my last breath, and I hope, beyond. Emahó gave me my wings back, taught me how to stand on my own two feet, how to fall in love with my hands, my bones, and every cell in my body. He showed me that I have a direct connection to what lies above. Listening to him, and dancing with him for the last 33 years, has inspired the greatest insights of my life.
    Karen Cromwell
  • Kate Walton
    I met Emahó when I was very young (4 years old). I am very grateful to have Emahó’s teachings and practices as a part of my sister’s, brothers, and my life. My Son, Kai met Emahó when he was a year old. This was when Emahó last visited Ireland. Now, I see and feel the benefit of everything he showed us! Thank you Emahó!  With love
    Kate Walton
  • Michelle Wiseman Ware
    So very grateful and lucky to have had you in my life, being your friend and student for so many years. You have taught me to navigate my life steadily, kindly, and gently. You will live forever in my heart. 
    Michelle Wiseman Ware
  • Bernie Roche
    Whenever I strayed, got lost You were the lighthouse that guided me home. You still are … Love & Respect to you Emahó
    Bernie Roche
  • Madeleine Black
    It took me four years to write my story down after Emahó suggested that it would be good for me. He shared it with his students at a seminar in Teufen, Switzerland April 2014. That moment sent me on a new path, changing the direction of my life forever. My younger self would be so shocked to discover I have now shared my story publicly and written a book, which I know would never have been possible without Emahó’s influence. Meeting him opened doors within me that I could never have imagined. I will always remain eternally grateful to him. Thank you.
    Madeleine Black
  • Jean x
    Watching Emahó setting up the mesa, with such care, it felt so real and so alive. Watching the Fire Dance, the ceremony, and the care for every person touched my heart, showing me new ways of living life. Thank you Emahó … Thank you, EmahoSpeaks for everything you are doing.
    Jean x
  • Laure Madier
    With Love and gratitude. What an adventure! Thank you for my family and all of us. You are Life forever in my soul which you have definitively marked with your imprint of Joy and Love of Life. By the way, teach me how to say an impossible Adios, which does not exist in me. You are here… my tenderness.
    Laure Madier
  • Yvonne Laeubli
    In the beginning I was asked in my dream: ‘Who is Emahó?’ And I saw this river of consciousness flowing. The consciousness Emahó brought down was not just of water, but of fire. My rebels, my confusion got replaced through an understanding of the mind and the heart. Emahó taught me how to take the arrows into my heart, to leave them in, and to let them dive. This changed my every day, my acting, feelings, identity, and my gratefulness for life. It encouraged me to find my own ways of sharing; of how to bring the teachings into my hands, my walk, my words and how to touch this world differently. Thank you so much Emahó. May this river of consciousness find open hearts and minds on this very beautiful planet Earth.
    Yvonne Laeubli
  • Jayne Mitchell Sinaloa
    Thank you, how blessed we have been. Emahó changed the course of my life profoundly. We have been so lucky. 
    Jayne Mitchell Sinaloa
  • Greta Pattison
    Emahó helped me so very much. He showed me the way to my heart and even took me there by his presence. In reality, it is beyond words. I am so grateful to have met and fire danced with him, and for all he gave to so many others. 
    Greta Pattison
  • Claudia Röthlisberger
    Years ago, my father and I were driving home from a seminar and fire ceremony with Emahó. It was my father’s second time there. Initially, there was a big silence in the car and then all of a sudden he said … ‘In the history of humankind there have been just a few people who have left an imprint of humanity in their lifetime. And Emahó is one of those.’ That is what he felt, and I did too. When l first met him, it took one Word from Emahó to lighten up my soul and make it sing. For it was not a word. It is a view from very far on us, we that are dancing, struggling, and walking in circles down here. A whisper, a call, a light beam into the deepest depth of me from another space, out of time. Far from what l am able to reach. Through Emahó, l have been touched by an endlessness and timelessness. What more can l ask for in my lifetime. Fortunate l am and forever grateful to have met such a human being. A big thank you for all the work on the Website. I am so grateful for it.
    Claudia Röthlisberger
  • Michael Walton
    My mother brought me and my sisters to Emaho’s incredible Seminars, since I was two years old. Emahó’s fire dance and teachings will live on in all our hearts forever. Emahó …You taught us to love ourselves and the world just as it is. Thank you!
    Michael Walton
  • Christel Accola
    Emahó’s Teachings und Feuertänze haben mein Leben seit Anfang der 90er Jahre begleitet, mich meine Zweifel, meine Verletzungen, meine Freude, meine Ängste, meinen Schmerz, mein Glück in ungeahnter Intensitität durchleben lassen. Mich erfahren lassen, dass sich seine Worte in mir immer wieder wandeln, Neues zum Vorschein bringen.  Inzwischen bin ich alt geworden. Emahó, Du trägst das Göttliche in Deinem Herzen, warst gleichzeitig der menschlichste Mensch, dem ich begegnet bin. Du hast in mir etwas geöffnet, das mich reich beschenkt, mich darauf vorbereitet hat, mich auf den nächsten Lebensschritt einzulassen. Ohne zu wissen, wohin die Reise geht. Danke. English Translation Emahó’s teachings and fire dances have been a part of my life since the early 90s, allowing me to experience my doubts, hurt, joy, fears, pain, and my happiness with unimagined and unexpected intensity. His teachings have allowed me the experience that his words constantly change in me, bringing something more to light and in the meantime, I have grown old. Emahó … you carry the divine in your heart, yet you were the most humane person I have met. You opened something in me that gave me a rich gift, preparing me to take the next step in my life without knowing where the journey is going. Thank you Emahó. It is important for me to support the wish to keep Emahó’s legacy alive, so thank you EmahoSpeaks for this opportunity.
    Christel Accola

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