I speak to you, the great Listener.
I have spoken to you with my silence.
I have spoken to you with my steps.
I have spoken to you with my heartbeat.
I have spoken to you with my eyes.
I have spoken to you with my touch
I have even spoken to you with my dreams.
I have spoken to you with my breath.
I have spoken to you with my pain.
I have spoken to you how I move.
I have spoken to you how I sit.
I have spoken to you how I stand.
I have spoken to you how I reach out.
I have spoken to you how I have learned.
I have spoken to you how I have forgotten so much.
I have spoken to you with me giving up.
I have spoken to you with my tears.
I have spoken to you with my laughter.
I have spoken to you just being.
And sometimes I forget you are there.
It is you, I speak to you, the great Listener.
The Void you are.
I speak to you the great Void,
The Listener of everything about me,
of those that have died in me,
of my dreams and thoughts.
Reaching up my hands, high into the sky
and giving up, I speak to you,
The great Listener
as I reach out to you.
You come to me in music, in songs.
You come to me in books.
You come to me, with the air brushing my hair about.
You come to me when I am lost.
You come to me always behind me.
You come to me at my sides.
I speak to you,
The great Listener.
I speak to you.
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