In essence … When you die, your heart goes with you. Your mind goes with you.
Hold my last words quietly…
dive, dive
dive, dive, dive
my last wish?
Love your life
When I am gone, I am gone.
Update 21/10/2024
Thank you.
Without you,
the ceremony never would have come
to this planet.
And it is because of you too,
not just me.
Without you,
there’s no way I could have done this.
Emahó –
Much Gratitude to ALL …
To those at the Remembrance Gathering
To the Santa Fe Community
To those with us in
In their hearts, prayers & spirit.
Thank you.
Anna Montoya.

Update 10/10/2024
‘When winter has set its course, all of a sudden
the snowflakes so quietly descend on you,
on all of us. And we wonder.
Yet it is how we finally leave this human body.
It is us – the snowflake – that rises up
so, so quietly nobody hears us ascending. Nobody.
All our footsteps disappear.’
Emahó – Santa Fe speech (8th October 2023)
Update 11/09/2024
To mark the 11th month of Emaho’s passing, we share with you a recording of his very last online speech from Santa Fe. Please click here to view (available to subscribers only).
Also, please like and comment on our social media posts so Emaho’s words may wander further and further in the ethers, to inspire another, to heal someone, and to touch a seeking heart.
Social media links: Facebook, Instagram, Twitter (X), YouTube, & TikTok.
One-Year Remembrance Gathering for Emahó
We hope you will attend this event in person to remind yourself of the honour, privilege and the immense gift of walking awhile with Emahó. Let us gather and bow to our beating hearts once more …
Important: Please register here. (Note that it is helpful for Anna to know numbers while organising drumming sessions, gatherings, home visits, sweat lodges and desert visits after the 11th of October)
Remembrance Gathering.
Date: 11th October 2024
Venue: Convention Centre, Santa Fe, New Mexico (USA)
Time: 2:30 pm
Host: Anna Montoya
Free of Charge
Contributions welcome to cover expenses. Pay what you wish at the venue or contact Karl@emahospeaks.co for advance contributions. Book early to avoid excess prices for flights / accommodation due to the Balloon Fiesta in Albuquerque and Santa Fe can be exceptionally busy at that time.
Please visit the santafe.org website for lots of local information and accommodation etc. For any questions please contact Karl at the same email or use the contact form on the website.
Update 12/08/2024
Months have literally rolled on so fast and soon it will be a year when we gather to Remember Emahó, his passing, his devotion to life and his surrender. The experience of his physical absence is deeply personal to each of you, yet his voice, his presence and his teachings resonate eternally in the skies above and the earth we walk on.
Today we remind you especially of Emaho’s 77th birth Anniversary and his insight on Birthdays.
Some birthdays are so, so, so beautiful.
And some birthdays are so lonely.
And some birthdays we forget.
And some birthdays we pass away.
And on some birthdays we find another way
to walk our life.
But I tell you this whole lifetime
is a birthday.
No matter how difficult it may be,
this whole lifetime is really a birthday from life.
It is we that mark off the calendar,
that it’s only a birthday.
It is we that mark it off
and can make our life, so, so, so difficult.
But if you just really think about it,
no matter how unhappy,
no matter how wonderful,
it is really a gift
to have this life of ours.
What a beautiful birthday present that is.
To mark Emaho’s 77th Birthday and to honour his elaborate body of work, we share with you an old video where he demonstrates the various placements of the word ‘energy.’
‘Energy – energy is so misunderstood. Watch video here.
We also hope you will enjoy reading our latest newsletter dotted with memories and pictures of Emahó.
Lastly, please like and comment on our social media posts so Emaho’s words may wander further and further in the ethers, to inspire another, to heal someone, and to touch a seeking heart.
Social media links: Facebook, Instagram, Twitter (X), YouTube, & TikTok.
One-Year Remembrance Gathering for Emahó
We hope you will attend this event in person to remind yourself of the honour, privilege and the immense gift of walking awhile with Emahó. Let us gather and bow to our beating hearts once more …
Important: Please register here. (Note that it is helpful for Anna to know numbers while organising drumming sessions, gatherings, home visits, sweat lodges and desert visits after the 11th of October)
Remembrance Gathering.
Date: 11th October 2024
Venue: Convention Centre, Santa Fe, New Mexico (USA)
Time: 2:30 pm
Host: Anna Montoya
Free of Charge
Contributions welcome to cover expenses. Pay what you wish at the venue or contact Karl@emahospeaks.co for advance contributions. Book early to avoid excess prices for flights / accommodation due to the Balloon Fiesta in Albuquerque and Santa Fe can be exceptionally busy at that time.
Please visit the santafe.org website for lots of local information and accommodation etc. For any questions please contact Karl at the same email or use the contact form on the website.
Update 10/07/2024
Nine months have passed since Emahó – the Wanderer, let go of his physical body to travel in other realms. He left us behind with many memories and his words, ‘Memories have no respect for your life or your feelings.’
To absorb these memories, we share with you a precious teaching where Emahó talks about an important word, ‘compression’ – Compression is constantly above our heads and beneath our feet.’
Click here to access the zoom session of 13 August 2023. Also, for an updated list of Emahó’s favourite music go to Listen.
We also hope you all will read the special newsletter this month sent out to all our subscribers. If you are not on our mailing list, please subscribe here.
One-Year Remembrance Gathering for Emahó
We hope you will attend this event in person to remind yourself of the honour, privilege and the immense gift of walking awhile with Emahó. Let us gather and bow to our beating hearts once more …
Important: Please register here. (Note that it is helpful for Anna to know numbers while organising drumming sessions, gatherings, home visits, sweat lodges and desert visits after the 11th of October)
Remembrance Gathering.
Date: 11th October 2024
Venue: Convention Centre, Santa Fe, New Mexico (USA)
Time: 2:30 pm
Host: Anna Montoya
Free of Charge
Contributions welcome to cover expenses. Pay what you wish at the venue or contact Karl@emahospeaks.co for advance contributions. Book early to avoid excess prices for flights / accommodation due to the Balloon Fiesta in Albuquerque and Santa Fe can be exceptionally busy at that time.
Please visit the santafe.org website for lots of local information and accommodation etc. For any questions please contact Karl at the same email or use the contact form on the website.
Update 11/06/2024
Many months have gone by since the passing of our dear teacher and friend Emahó. As each one of us surfs the tides of time, we are confronted with a multitude of sentiments – of memory, grief, pain, sadness, loneliness, peace, and a deep silence but above all an immense dose of gratitude.
So we invite you to read and Hearmore notes of gratitude.
Also, watch a video conversation between Annette Hickey and Patricia Mitchell. In this interview, Annette talks about how Emahó’s teachings helped Annette make more sense of life.
One-Year Remembrance Gathering for Emahó
We hope you will attend this event in person to remind yourself of the honour, privilege and the immense gift of walking awhile with Emahó. Let us dance to our beating hearts once more …
Important: Please register here. (Note that it is helpful for Anna to know numbers while organising drumming sessions, gatherings and sweat lodges after the 11th of October)
Remembrance Gathering.
Date: 11th October 2024
Venue: Convention Centre, Santa Fe, New Mexico (USA)
Time: 2:30 pm
Host: Anna Montoya
Free of Charge
Contributions welcome to cover expenses. Pay what you wish at the venue or contact Karl@emahospeaks.co for advance contributions. Book early to avoid excess prices for flights / accommodation due to the Balloon Fiesta in Albuquerque and Santa Fe can be exceptionally busy at that time.
For any questions please contact Karl at the same email or use the contact form on the website.
Update: 11/05/2024
As time passes and we absorb the reality of Emaho’s passing within our personal and collective spaces, let us listen to his words once again and remind ourselves of the clock that never stops and what we are all contending with – TIME.
For all paid subscribers – Watch one of Emaho’s last zoom speeches here.
One-Year Remembrance Gathering for Emahó
We hope you will attend this event in person to remind yourself of the honour, privilege and the immense gift of walking awhile with Emahó.
Let us dance to our beating hearts once more …
Date: 11th October 2024
Venue: Convention Centre, Santa Fe, New Mexico (USA)
Time: 2:30 pm
Hosted by: Anna Montoya
Free of Charge
Contributions welcome to cover expenses.
Pay what you wish at the venue or contact Karl@emahospeaks.co for advance contributions. Book early to avoid excess prices for flights / accommodation due to the Balloon Fiesta in Albuquerque and Santa Fe can be exceptionally busy at that time.
For any questions please contact Karl at the same email or use the contact form on the website.
Update: 11/04/2024
Click to HEAR what people have so graciously continued to share about our dear teacher and friend Emahó. Watch the first interview of a forthcoming series of conversations where students share their personal experiences of Emahó with Patricia Mitchell.
One-Year Remembrance Gathering for Emahó
We hope you will attend this event in person to remind yourself of the honour, privilege and the immense gift of walking a while with Emahó.
Let us dance to our beating hearts once more …
Pay what you wish at the venue or contact Karl@emahospeaks.co for advance contributions.
For any questions please contact Karl at the same email or use the contact form on the website.
Update 01: 11/03/2024
We hope you will attend this event in person to remind yourself of the honour, privilege and the immense gift of walking a while with Emahó. Let us dance to our beating hearts once more …
Update 02: 11/03/2024
Update: 11/02/2024
Click here for a glimpse into ‘The Last impressions’ of our much loved friend and teacher …. Emahó.
In our next update, we will provide more details on a one-year remembrance gathering for Emaho in Santa Fe. Please stay tuned for further information and consider joining us for this ceremony.
Update 01: 10/01/2024
Please note that there will be no workshop / commemoration event this summer in Europe. Please continue to check the website for further updates on the next zoom gathering and possibly a future live event. We thank you all for your patience and continued support.
Update 02 : 10/01/2024
On the eve of three months since the passing of Emahó, we share with you a message from his friend, Prof. Kameshwar.
Immersing the ashes of Emahó, the disciple.
At sunrise (6:35 am) this morning, Emahó a native of America, merged with the waves of Mother Ganga at Assi Ghat, Kashi.
‘I often wonder who and what inspired you to meet me in 2017. We pondered for hours on the deeper aspects of fire invocations. You shared your experiential journey in detail, and I revealed your past.’
Emahó was a prime devotee of the Fire god – Agni. He let go of the physical body while in a state of concentrated and deep meditation. He passed just as he always was – A true and rare Yogi. His ashes were immersed in the sacred Ganges here, because of his intense desire to be born in Kashi.
His wife Anna is inherently a peaceful woman; a woman of few words.
In November 2017, Kashi honoured Emahó, recognising both his dedication and role in reinventing the tradition of ancient fire worship and invocations in Europe. Emahó had thousands of students across Europe.
‘May Lord Vishwanath enrich you with promising speed and a body best suited for your profound seeking and divine purpose. May you have an auspicious crossing and the eternal realisation of Agni dev – the primordial Fire.’
I have lost a friend, yet he is on a journey. We will surely meet again.
Prof. Kameshwar,
Kashi Vishwanath University.
(This message was written and shared with Anna on 11 December 2023).
Update: 10/12/2023
The website content is currently being updated with video archives, clips and new resources. We will notify all subscribers regularly via email and social media in the coming months. Please ensure your subscription to our newsletter. We also thank all subscribers for their continued support as this allows for a self-sustained website free of any advertisements or obligations.
Last Update: 21/10/2023
Dear All,
In keeping with Emahó’s last wish, his body was cremated on the 17th of October 2023 and after a private ceremony, the ashes will be immersed at the sacred riverfront ghats of the Ganges in Varanasi – India.
I thank you all from my heart for the most profound ceremony (memorial / service) on the 15th of October held to honour and celebrate Emahó, his life, legacy and passing.
Wow… What a way to go.
I am deeply touched, humbled and grateful for your love and support.
Much Love
Anna Montoya.
Update: 13/10/2023
Dear All,
On Wednesday, the 11 th of October, Emahó led a sweat lodge in Santa Fe for students
and friends. At twilight, during the ceremony, he chanted his way from the threshold of this
realm to the next… literally. In his passing too, he has exemplified his most profound
He surfed swiftly yet so quiet he was.
He died ALIVE.
The physical body stays
but the heart… not the physical heart …
the soul.
It keeps the heart pumping and pumping and pumping.
This tiny, miniscule of a soul, as tiny as an atom…
It can never die.
It is on an adventure.
It is why we are here
It is why I was here…
On an adventure.
Emahó Montoya – The Wanderer.
1947 – 2023